





Computer 科学 and Math, 管理



Augusto is a Dual Major Data 科学 & Analytics and Economics with minors in 计算机科学与数学.

当我九岁的时候, I got the opportunity of visiting the United States for the first time ever. My dad received an invitation to teach as an adjunct professor at Syracuse University, NY, 整整一年. My mom and I joined him during the last six months. 我有机会在那里上了三个月的小学. 在那之前, 我不喜欢英语, 我拒绝学习它, never even considered the idea of visiting other countries. 那次旅行改变了我的生活. I fell in love with the United States. 用英语. With the diversity it represents and its people’s mindset. I fell in love with traveling and learning new things. 现在 that I think back, it impacted me way more than I thought at first. 在雪城待了六个月之后, all I could think of was when were we going to get the chance to go back. 我认为, 在不知不觉中, 我很小的时候就已经决定,在我生命中的某个时刻,我要自己回去.

At 15 I was starting to play competitive tennis in my country, 阿根廷, 这给了我周游全国的机会,在某些情况下还去了其他国家. Nevertheless, I never imagined how far away tennis could take me. 大约在同一年龄,我开始对经济学和与之相关的一切产生兴趣. 阿根廷 is often studied in the fields of Economics as an outlier. Economists cannot understand how a country so rich in natural resources, 还有许多其他国家也在不断遭受腐败和社会经济危机的困扰. This was always a point of conversation between my parents at the dinner table. 我对此很好奇. 我希望能够理解正在发生的事情,并能够为这些对话做出贡献. 所以,在15岁的时候,我已经决定要把我的学习重点放在经济学领域.

虽然主要兴趣从未改变,但我决定走这条路的原因却改变了. At first, I was driven by this idea of understanding how money works to make money. 但, 随着年龄的增长,我对世界上发生的事情越来越熟悉, I started shifting my goal to help others, to truly make an impact in today’s society, both socially and environmentally speaking. 从那时起, 我的目标没有改变, 我做的每一个决定都要经过机会成本评估,评估我能带来多少积极影响, 或不.

当我17岁的时候, I truly started thinking about performing my undergraduate studies in the United States. 我在高中四年级的时候就准备了SAT考试,我打网球来提高我的排名,这样我就可以获得网球奖学金. 那是非常紧张的一年. 我不得不从头开始自学所有的SAT题目,因为我们的高中教育远远落后. This was the first time I sensed the true level of 阿根廷’s educational system, 这让我很担心. 所有的努力都得到了回报,因为一年后我被查尔斯顿学院录取, SC, to play tennis for them and was invited to be part of their Honors program as well. I spent a year at The College of Charleston before I transferred to Marist. 然而,那一年是不可思议的. 我不打算详细介绍我所学到的所有东西,但如果我必须强调一件事,那就是我被介绍到数据科学领域(我以前从未听说过). That summer after my freshman year I created a non-profit in my hometown, 叫Emprender图库曼省, 这是为了赋予年轻人权力,鼓励他们拥抱自己的梦想和创业精神. It was a very fulfilling experience to be able to help dozens of young adults, 16至29岁, to start building the path to achieve their dreams.

在我大一结束的时候, due to high inflation in 阿根廷 and our currency’s devaluation, my family and I were struggling financially. I had to start considering transferring. 这是一个艰难的局面, after all that first year there had a huge positive impact on my life, and having to give up all of that because of lack of money was heartbreaking. This is when I had my second “realization.” The first one was when I decided to do something to improve 阿根廷’s education. 第二次是当我决定没有人应该经历那样的事情, so I am determined to do something about it. Education and Financial freedom were my main motivations for creating Emprender图库曼省. During that year’s spring break, we played against bet亚洲365欢迎投注. 就在我开始寻找其他学校的时候,bet亚洲365欢迎投注联系了我,并给了我一份录取通知书. I accepted and joined the Red Foxes for Fall 2019.

I came to Marist excited for the life in 纽约. Excited about being close to the Big Apple, where all the cool things happened. 我一直想参与其中, I believe that there is no better place to be if you really want to make an impact. 突然之间, I went from the smallest city in 阿根廷, 图库曼省, to the most important city in the world. The whole situation was mind-blowing to me. 我非常感激我所获得的所有机会,并为能够利用它们而感到非常自豪. 但 the journey is just about to start. 我对数据科学很感兴趣,所以在大二的时候,我决定把它作为我的第二辅修, my first being environmental science. 我听说计算机科学与数学学院有一位来自阿根廷的教授, Eitel Lauria, 我决定去见他. People say that you can find an Argentinian anywhere in the world, I was starting to think that it might be true. It went great, he invited me to take his class, Data Mining and Predictive Analytics. 我喜欢这门课, 不仅因为它的内容,还因为它给了我更多了解Lauria教授的机会. 我把他当作我的导师,从那时起,他对我在bet亚洲365欢迎投注的经历产生了巨大的影响. He has given me advice on academics and life, which has helped me achieve things I thought I would never be able to. 在和他打了几通电话之后, I felt that my passion for technology and math was greater than what I first thought. So, I decided to “upgrade” my data science minor, and major in it as well. Also, I added minors in computer science and mathematics. I genuinely think that the potential impact of data science, 结合经济学, 在教育和财务自由方面,新兴国家和发展中国家确实是巨大的. 我不得不说,决定专注于这门学科是多么有趣的一年啊. With the impact of COVID-19 on everyone’s life, and how it accelerated the implementation of new technologies in today’s societies, data science techniques are becoming almost essential. 在暑假期间,我被家乡的一所大学土木工程系录用,在他们学生的数据上执行一些基本的数据科学任务,以帮助他们改进学术课程,这给了我一个将所学知识付诸实践的机会. 我能够引导学校官员走上正确的道路,帮助学生充分利用他们的大学时光. 我帮助识别有风险的学生,并开始辅导服务,帮助他们在学校取得成功.

Finally, I was planning on going abroad this Fall 2020. I was accepted at the University of St Andrews to study abroad for a semester. I was very excited, but I guess nature had other plans for me. Due to the pandemic, all the programs were canceled. 一开始我有点失望. 我记得打电话给劳里亚教授告诉他这件事,他在申请过程中一直帮着我. 一周后,他发短信给我,给我一个在bet亚洲365欢迎投注数据科学系担任首席人工智能学生科学家的机会. I like to think that everything happens for a reason. 值得一提的是,除非我的出国旅行没有被取消,否则我永远不会得到这份工作. 我毫无疑问地接受了. 现在, 我正在与Eitel Lauria教授和Edward Presutti一起开发一种人工智能聊天机器人,它具有最先进的自然语言处理(NLP)技能,最终将被整合.

Marist has given me so much, way more than would have expected. 我非常感激我建立的所有关系和我能够利用的所有机会. 还有整整两年的时间,我刚刚分享的一切都以惊人的速度发生了, 我非常有信心,玛丽斯特学院会对我实现梦想有很大的帮助. 毕业后,我计划申请英国牛津大学的经济学博士学位,并开始在世界各地建立更多的联系,这样我就可以, 有一天,, 回馈我的社区,并深深关注对那些需要帮助的人产生积极的影响. 尤其是在发展中国家和阿根廷等新兴国家的教育和财务自由方面. 我的梦想是建一所学校, 完全免费的, that focuses on teaching an innovative curriculum and focuses on the student’s passions, instead of just being a place where parent´s drop their kids, 通过在线和面对面的混合形式,那些无法到达学校的人可以享受同样的学术好处,无论他们在哪里. 不过这个想法还在发展中. “You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. 你所做的事情会产生影响,你必须决定你想要产生什么样的影响.——简·古道尔
