




Marist is dedicated to helping students develop the intellect, 字符, 以及开化所需的技能, 道德, and productive lives in the global community of the 21st century.


The 计算机科学与数学学院 prepares its students to live and work in a technology driven, 快速变化的世界. The School provides broad-based mathematical and technological education within the context of a solid liberal arts foundation. Students receive in-depth instruction in the theoretical underpinnings of their chosen fields, which they can apply through a wide variety of practical experiences. In each of the School’s undergraduate majors provides students with professional preparation for entry into fields of work associated with the major. 同时, students’ learning prepares them for advanced study in career-oriented graduate programs.

目标 & 目标

The 计算机科学与数学学院 is committed to providing its students with a broad range of educational opportunities both on and off the bet亚洲365欢迎投注 campus, including internships in the surrounding business community that provide many students with experience in their chosen fields. 学校致力于为学生服务, 数学和计算机专业, 以及它所属的社区.


1. Prepare students for employment in a technology field or for graduate study in a technology field.

2. Provide students with both theoretical knowledge and skills-based proficiency in the five core technology competencies:



2.3 .数据通信;

2.4 .数据管理


3. Provide students with fundamental knowledge of business administration and management so that graduates will be able to work effectively within businesses and organizations.

4. Develop interpersonal skills for working effectively on teams.

5. Educate students about the behavioral, social, and 道德 aspects of technology.



1.在他们毕业的时候, 100% of those students who seek employment in a technology related job will be employed in that field.

1.在毕业的时候, students who seek admission to graduate school will be admitted to at least one graduate program.



2.1.1 At least 80% of courses in the CS major will require programming.

2.1.2 At least 35% of courses in the ITS major will require programming.

2.1.3毕业时, 100% of CS students will demonstrate programming skills as illustrated by the grades received in the Capping Project.


2.2.1 Each major will include one hardware architecture course appropriate to the major.

2.2.2 Students in each major will complete the appropriate hardware architecture course with a final exam grade of at least C.


2.3.1 Students will be required to complete at least one theoretical course in Data Communications and one practical/applied course in Data Communications.

2.3.2毕业时, 100% of students will have demonstrated competency in the design and development of networks by earning a score of 80 or better on a networking practicum.


2.4.1 Students will be required to complete at least one course in Database 管理.

2.4.2 Students will design and implement a relational database achieving a rating of 5 or better on a scale of 1 to 7.


2.5.1 At least 20% of courses required for CS majors will include material and experience with the analysis and design of software systems.

2.5.2 At least 50% of courses required for ITS majors will include material and experience with the analysis and design of information systems.

2.5.3毕业时, 100% of students will be able to complete a software/systems design and development project with a score of 80% or higher on the project evaluation.


3.1 All students will take at least one general business course.

3.2 Students with an IS concentration will also study basic principles in accounting and economics.

3.3毕业时, 100% of students will have taken courses that provide them with a comprehensive understanding of the need to align organizational goals and objectives with technological advances, in order to provide businesses the strategies and tools necessary for creating and sustaining a competitive advantage in the domestic and/or global environment.


4.1 At least 35% of courses will require projects that are prepared by a team of students.

4.2毕业时, 100% of students will have been able to contribute effectively to a team project by earning an average score of 4 (out of 5) or better on the peer evaluation.


5.1 All courses that include a team project will include a discussion of appropriate 道德 behavior when working with colleagues.

5.2 All courses that involve programming will include a discussion of appropriate 道德 behavior when developing software.